Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Now that I am working in the salon, I realize how much I avoided mirrors. Up until a few months ago I only had the mirror in my bathroom. It only shows your face. Now I have one on my dresser, but still not a full-length. I see myself in the mirrors at work all the time. I think that I couldn't have handled it pre-surgery. When I catch myself in the mirror now, it doesn't ruin my day. I remember in high school going to get my hair done at David's, the first salon my mom worked in, I hates sitting in front of the mirror. Now, I won't spend my time preening the way Jake does, but it is liberating not having to hate myself so much.

Monday, August 11, 2008

baby ect

My second ultrasound went well. Caris took a while to cooperate, but they finally got to see all of her. She is doing well. I am fast approaching the time in pregnancy when you take the glucose tolerance test. I am sure the 50 grams of sugar in the drink would kill me. I know it would at the very least cause me to have dumping syndrome. I have had it twice since my surgery, and that is twice too many times. I talked to my doctor and in 3 weeks when I am 28 weeks along I will take a fasting test, and two hours after eating for a week. He said that should tell us where we stand as far as the gestational diabetes. I am glad that he didn't push the issue. There is no way I was taking that test.

I fear, not true, I know I am using the baby as an excuse to eat. Not that I shouldn't be eating, but I feel it allowing me to justify old habits. I need to be aware of that, and know that I have my work cut out for me. Especially after she is born. I am by no stretch of the imagination thin so I have more weight to lose. I haven't gained in my pregnancy this far, and I know in my head that I might. That is so scary to me. I know that isn't rational, but that doesn't change the feeling of victory I get everytime I get on the scale and it is the same.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The salon

I can't believe it is opening today. My parents, especially my dad, worked so hard. The space is beautiful. I am sure it is going to be a success. We were there yesterday putting in some final touches and I go in later today to learn all there is about being the receptionist. Jake is the other part-time receptionist. I worry about how much work he will get done around all those mirrors. Jake does love his look. To which I say good for him. I can't wait to get my hair fixed. I hope they do it soon. No one needs this hot mess representing the salon.

I go in tomorrow for another ultrasound. They couldn't see everything the first go round. I am excited to see her again. She is very active. I was hoping for a mellow baby since Gray is such a crazy man.
Gray has a huge crush on LaRita's friend Britney. He says she is his best girl. He smiles whenever you say her name. I guess he is into older ladies.