Monday, February 4, 2008

I went, wait for it,

to the gym. Yay me. I walked and did some weights. I wanted to do the big ball ab exercises, but all the trainers were over there. I was too embarrassed to go do it. I'll get there though. I am hopeing that going to the gym will get me off the plateau I am on. I haven't really lost in six weeks. I am trying to to panic, but I am not happy. I know it is my fault, so I need to deal. I had a super busy weekend. Saturday I left the house at 9:30am and didn't get home until after midnight. I had a good time though. I went out with my friend Amy. We are getting on of the puppies her dog had. He is a black and white shih tzu. We are naming him Jersey Valentine. He is from Jerseyville, IL. Chris was campaigning for Ron Burgandy, but he was vetoed. We should be able to get him soon. He is the biggest of the bunch. I heart him already. Gray is uber-excited. I am hopeing the puppy will sleep by Gray. Then maybe Gray will sleep in his own bed. Sunday was church at the connection. Then we painted ceramics. I went with Amy and her kids. It was fun, except I am a ten year old and hate everything I make. I was right on level with Amy's son, with my frustration level and impatience. Then we had a church dinner. The food was good and I ate way too much. I ate jsut bad random stuff all weekend. I had no real food until dinner yesterday, which explains why I ate like an idiot. I had a protien bar, bagels and jerky before that. I need to learn to plan better. My spellcheck isn't working so sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please let me know who you have to bribe to get out of your house for that long. 9:30am til' midnight, you got yourself a vacation girl...