Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So, I didn't go

to the gym. Chris got his W-2 so I went to Target and then did our taxes. We really need the refund. Then this evening I met a friend at starbucks. We had fun, but after our 45 minute discussion on candy got some looks from others around us. I had to wonder if it is normal for two grown women to discuss candy for that long? I mean we were into it. Lamenting the lack of good taffy, and corner stores that sell penny candy. I guess now it would be nickel candy, because even when we were kids it wasn't a penny. After all that candy talk I binged on sugar free twizzlers I had in my car. Now I am sick to my stomach. Why can't I just eat one and be satisfied. I wish I could eat normal the way an alcoholic wishes they could go out and just have one beer. I know I can't buy the sugar-free candy anymore. I just can't control myself with it. I am okay if I don't have it around, so the million dollar question is why the hell do I buy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are we talking Twizzlers or Switzers? Twizzlers are more dense which I like and when they are fresh...forget about it. However, I like the airiness of a Switzer at times. The Switzer can make you sicker quicker. LOVE chocolate twizzlers, don't get them that often but a nice treat. Not a fan of all the flavored ropes that are out. Pretty 'old fashioned' in my taste. Is this anything like what you and your "friend" sounded like??